What Is a Tympanoplasty?

Tympanoplasty (TIM-pah-noh-plass-tee) is a surgery to repair the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin layer of tissue that vibrates in response to sound.

Why Is a Tympanoplasty Done?

Doctors do a tympanoplasty when the eardrum (or tympanic membrane) has a hole that doesn’t close on its own. It is done to improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear.

Kids can get a hole in an eardrum from:

Most of the time, the eardrum can repair itself. So at first, doctors closely watch a hole in a child’s eardrum rather than fix it right away. They might wait years to repair one in a very young child. This lets the ear develop enough to help prevent complications after the surgery. Surgery might also wait if a child has ongoing problems with ear infections.

What Happens Before a Tympanoplasty?

A child will have a hearing test before the surgery. This lets doctors compare the results with hearing tests done after the surgery.

How Should We Prepare for a Tympanoplasty?

Your health care provider will tell you what and when your child can eat and drink before the surgery. Your child’s stomach must be empty on the day of the procedure.

What Happens During Tympanoplasty?

An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon will do the tympanoplasty. Your child will get general anesthesia to sleep through the procedure. The anesthesiologist will carefully watch your child and keep him or her safely and comfortably asleep.

During a tympanoplasty, the hole in the eardrum is patched. The patch, also called a graft, can be made of:

  • tissue taken from around your child’s ear (cartilage or fascia)
  • manmade material

The surgeon will put packing material behind and on top of the eardrum to keep the graft in place. This material dissolves over several week

When Should I Call the Doctor?

Call your doctor if:

  1.  You see fresh (bright red) blood on the bandage or packing, or oozing from the ear or incision.
  2. The ear or incision is more tender, red, or swollen than it was when your child left the hospital.
  3. Your child has a fever over 100.4°F (38°C).
  4. Your child’s pain gets worse.

Dr. Suraj Giri is a trusted ENT Specialist in PCMC, Pune. He has made many happy patients in his 12 years of journey as a ENT Specialist. At Devgiri Memorial Hospital you will get all the necessary medical treatment. Our advanced approach for our patient treatments make us unique.

The appointment process at Devgiri Memorial Hospital PCMC Pune is very simple. You can directly call on 09657002695. Also with the help of the “Book an Appointment” Form you can book your appointment by just filling in the basic information. We will contact you via email or phone call to confirm your appointment.