Hearing Loss

When someone is unable to partially or completely hear sound in one or both of their ears it’s called deafness. One-fourth of individuals between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are said to experience this deafness as revealed by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. There are many names for deafness like follows:

  • Deafness
  • Loss of hearing
  • Decreased hearing
  • Conductive deafness

Hearing Aids:

If diagnosed with deafness that can’t be treated medically, a doctor will recommend a hearing aid evaluation and consultation with an audiologist. This consultation appointment will help determine which hearing aids or other assistive listening devices would be most appropriate. Lifestyle, listening needs and hearing concerns are important in determining the acceptable hearing aids.

Who is the right candidate to use hearing aids?

Person with mild to profound deafness, above 30 db deafness with deficiencies in hearing others conversation.

Will hearing aids cure my hearing loss?

Hearing aids cannot cure deafness, but they will assist you hear better again. Hearing may be a complex process that starts with the ears and ends within the brain where information is received, stored and “decoded” into something we understand.

When you add hearing aids to spice up hearing, the brain suddenly registers long-lost sounds. Adjusting to amplification requires time, endurance and patience. You’re essentially retraining your brain to interpret sounds, specialise in some and filter others out – even as you probably did naturally when your hearing was normal.

Hearing aids can improve your ability to listen to and communicate with the planet around you, but they can’t “cure” your deafness – even as glasses don’t “cure” your nearsightedness or farsightedness. They’re tools to assist you manage the matter, and while they will contribute significantly to an improved quality of life, they’re not perfect. Even with successfully fitted hearing aids, you’ll still have difficulties hearing well in some situations. You’ll find ways to adapt to your new hearing aids, including watching people more closely as they talk and keeping ground noise to a minimum when possible.

How do I make an appointment?

The appointment process at Devgiri Memorial Hospital PCMC Pune is very simple. You can directly call on 09657002695.  Also with the help of the “Book an Appointment” Form you can book your appointment by just filling in the basic information. We will contact you via email or phone call to confirm your appointment.